Historic and Classic Vehicle Schemes
VEHICLE REGISTRATION - Conditional Registration Schemes for Historic and Classic Vehicles
Transport for NSW (TfNSW) provides for two club-based schemes for such vehicles.
Historic Vehicle Scheme (HVS), and,
Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS)
- Vehicles must be at least 30 years old (by month and year).
- TfNSW requires clubs to register one or more Responsible Person/s (RP) who are authorised to sign HVS Declarations (form 1259) and apply the club stamp. NSWHMA requires an RP to similarly sign the checklist for CVS. The RP may also be the Registrar responsible for maintaining records of vehicles within the club.
General Information for Clubs: NSW Historic Motoring Association (NSWHMA) recommends clubs establish an Assessment Sub-committee, whose function is to vet new applications for the conditional registration schemes.
- Applications should be accompanied by a description of the vehicle, and a set of digital photographs: front 3/4, rear 3/4, interior, engine bay, and compliance plate showing month/year of manufacture. Photos should be retained on file for future reference.
- The sub-committee should determine whether the vehicle is eligible for HVS or CVS. If in doubt, place the vehicle in CVS.
- If the vehicle has been modified, it should be assessed against Vehicle Standards Information bulletin 6 (VSI-06) to determine if engineering certification is required (unless a VSCCS report is provided by the owner).
- The owner must complete an "Application for Conditional Registration" form 1246 for establishment of new HVS or CVS registration before presentation at Service NSW.
- The owner should advise his club's RP of the new registration number at establishment. In the case of CVS, the RP should also notify the NSWHMA CVS Office of the new registration number at nswhmacvs@gmail.com or by text to 0434 918 359.
- Dated declaration forms and Blue Slips are valid for 42 days only. Pink Slips are valid for 6 months. Vehicles may not be driven on roads after the registration expiry date, but registration may be renewed up to 3 months before or after the due date.
- Whenever using the road, the vehicle should carry the Registration Certificate, Conditions of Approved Operation, and Log-book with an entry for travel on that day. If the vehicle is modified, it is recommended a copy of the VSCCS Report is also carried. This can apply to both HVS (ambulance etc) and CVS.
For download of documents, see the "Quick Links" tab at the bottom of this page.
The Historic Vehicle Scheme (HVS):
- Caters for vehicles that are owned by members of a club that has been approved as a "Recognised Club of NSW".
- Vehicles must meet strict rules of eligibility and originality as defined by TfNSW.
- Owners must be residents of NSW.
- Individual clubs may define in their rules, tighter eligibility requirements of originality.
- The scheme is open to all classes of vehicles - cars, light commercials, heavy vehicles, buses, tractors, trailers, and motorcycles.
General Information - HVS:
- HVS is administered solely at club level. See "Operation of the HVS" below.
- The owner must be a financial member of a club that is recognised by TfNSW.
- Vehicles must be assessed as meeting originality guidelines published by TfNSW (which may be subject to periodic revision), or specific rules determined at club level within these guidelines.
- Any vehicle that is modified beyond the needs of maintenance should be directed to CVS. If there is doubt about the modifications, Clubs are entitled to require an AUVIS Report (Blue Slip) before accepting the vehicle for registration.
- Clubs are permitted to perform Safety Inspections by suitably qualified club officials two years after gaining "Recognised Club" status. NSWHMA recommends that, wherever possible, Club inspectors performing safety inspections have either AIS qualifications or at least a mechanic’s certificate.
- Officials must be aware of the liability inspectors carry, and clubs should consider insurance to indemnify their officials.
- Safety Inspections by Authorised Inspection Stations (AIS) are required initially (some exemptions may be applicable) and NSWHMA recommends that member clubs utilise AIS safety inspections ("Pink Slips") for renewals also.
- Inspection Reports must be handwritten as the Conditional Registration database within TfNSW is not linked to the electronic system supporting full registration.
- For heavy vehicles (over 4.5T GVM), a HVAIS Safety Inspection Report ("Brown Slip") is required at establishment and renewal. For tractors and plant such as steam traction engines, AIS inspection is not available and NSWHMA recommends that owners complete a self-declaration "Vehicle Suitable for Safe Use" (form 1245), to indemnify the Club in the event an official is unable to carry out inspection. This is required at both establishment and renewal. The form should be retained in the club's records.
Note: All Safety Inspection Reports (Pink, Blue, Brown) must be hand-written.
Operation of the HVS (for both establishment and renewal):
NSW HMA recommends the following procedure is followed.
- The owner provides the club's Responsible Person (RP) with the original Registration Renewal Certificate (except upon establishment), Pink Slip (if required), and Historic Vehicle Declaration form 1259, completed on the left-hand side only.
- The RP checks the Declaration form for accuracy, in particular the engine number is present (see note below).
- If club inspection has taken place and a record of the vehicle having passed inspection is presented, the RP completes and signs the upper part of section 3 on the form 1259 and strikes out the section below.
- If a Pink Slip (or Blue Slip) is presented, the RP strikes out the upper part of section 3, and enters the report number and date of report in the lower (alternate) part of section 3.
- If the vehicle is ineligible for a Pink Slip (e.g. tractor), the RP completes and signs the upper part of section 3 as for Club Inspection and retains the form 1245 in the club's records.
- The RP completes section 4 of the form and applies the club stamp at the bottom of the form.
- The RP takes copies of documents for the club's records.
- The original documents are returned to the owner.
- The owner attends a Service NSW office and establishes or renews the registration, receiving the Conditional Registration Certificate, Certificate of Approved Operations, and 60-day Log-book.
Note: If the engine number is missing and is known, SNSW should be requested to update it at time of renewal, likely requiring form 1021 (Change of Records).
The Classic Vehicle Scheme (CVS):
- Focused upon vehicles that have been modified, from the simplest change of wheels to extensively modified, including rebodied vehicles.
- Owners are required to be members of a club which is affiliated with an Approved Organisation, of which NSW Historic Motoring Association (NSWHMA) is one.
- Owners must be residents of NSW.
- The scheme covers motorcycles and vehicles up to 3.5T GVM only.
- Vehicles exceeding 3.5T GVM, tractors, and trailers are excluded. Modified vehicles exceeding 3.5T GVM are eligible for full registration only.
General Information - CVS:
- Administered by an Approved Organisation (AO) under a Memorandum of Understanding with TfNSW requiring them to approve registration documents and maintain extensive records, for which a fee is payable by owners to the AO.
- TfNSW requires an AUVIS Safety, Identity and Compliance Report (Blue Slip) at establishment (all 3 sections are mandatory), and Pink Slip at renewal of registration. Pink and blue slips must be handwritten.
- NSW HMA requires CVS registration documents to be completely accurate without exception, and owners and club officials involved in their preparation should be aware that any discrepancy will result in processing delays. Documents must be transmitted using the postal service, which incurs delays which multiply if errors exist in the submitted documents.
Operation of the CVS:
Note: The steps below are recommended only, individual clubs may vary the procedures.
NSWHMA recommends the following procedure is followed. Individual clubs may adopt one of two procedures.
Option 1: The owner provides the documentation to his club's Responsible Person who arranges transmission of documents to the AO.
Option 2: The owner takes full responsibility for transmission of documents to the AO.
At establishment: The owner:
- Obtains a Blue Slip which must include a Safety Inspection Report, Identity Check, and Compliance/design check. A copy only is required for processing.
- Takes a copy of the VSCCS Report (or ECS Report) if applicable.
- Takes a copy of the previous registration certificate if available (whether conditional or full registration).
- Completes a Classic Vehicle Declaration form 1835 on the left-hand side only.
- Completes a CVS Check List downloaded from the NSWHMA website including signing the owner's declaration. The VSCCS report number should be entered if applicable.
- Provides the full set of documentation detailed above to the club's RP who:
- Stamps the Declaration form 1835 at the bottom right-hand side and writes the date across the stamp.
- Signs and stamps the CVS Check List (checking that appropriate boxes have been ticked).
- Takes copies of documents for the club's records.
Option 1: The RP posts the original form 1835, and copies of all other documents: Blue slip, VSCCS Report (if applicable), rego certificate, and CVS Check List, and a note advising the return address (normally the owner's), to the NSWHMA CVS Office as below, or,
Option 2: The RP returns the original documents to the owner, who posts the original form 1835, plus copies of the blue slip, registration certificate, CVS Check List and VSCCS Report (if applicable) to the NSWHMA CVS Office at:
NSW Historic Motoring Association,
PO Box 3034,
Balgownie, NSW 2519
Payment: The owner (or RP) arranges payment of the CVS processing fee of $25.00 (for trackable return envelope) or $30.00 (for Express Post return envelope). Payment should be made by Direct Credit only. Use as reference: club initials, surname and first name initials. Example: ABCC Smith N. Payment should be made at the time of posting to ensure it is not forgotten.
Please note that cheques and Post Office Money Orders will not be accepted beyond December 2024.
Payment of CVS processing fee to be made to:
BSB: 082 855 (NAB)
Account Number 282 162 998
Account Name: NSW Historic Motoring Association
Do not use Registered mail. Ordinary mail or Express Post are preferred.
Upon receipt of the stamped and signed form 1835 from the AO, the owner takes it, form 1245, Blue slip, and copy of VCSS Report to Service NSW, who will establish the registration and issue the Conditional Registration Certificate (ensure that engine number has been entered), and 60-day Log-book, Certificate of Approved Operations, and new conditional number plates.
Note: If the vehicle has a VSCCS report, then the owner may request that the report number be entered onto the Conditions of Approved Operation as “free text”. The owner should be careful to retain the original of the VSCCS Report. It is an important part of the vehicle's provenance for the remainder of its life.
At Renewal: The owner:
- Upon receipt of the renewal Registration Certificate from Transport for NSW, obtains a Safety Inspection Report (Pink Slip).
- Completes the Classic Vehicle Declaration form 1835 that was supplied, on the left side only.
- Completes a CVS Check List including signing the owner's declaration and including the VSCCS Report number if applicable.
- Provides the set of documentation to his club's RP who will stamp the form 1835 at the bottom right, writing the date across the stamp, and sign, date and stamp the CVS Checklist.
Option 1: The RP posts the original form 1835, and copies of all other documents: Blue slip, VSCCS Report (if applicable), rego certificate, and CVS Check List, and a note advising the return address (normally the owner's), to the NSWHMA CVS Office.
Option 2: The RP returns the original documents to the owner, who posts the original form 1835, plus copies of the pink slip, registration certificate, CVS Check List and VSCCS Report (required only if the vehicle has been further modified requiring engineering) to the NSWHMA CVS Office.
Payment: The owner arranges payment as detailed above.
Upon receipt of the stamped and signed form 1835 from the AO, take it, together with the Renewal Registration Certificate and Pink Slip to Service NSW, who will renew the registration and issue the Conditional Registration Certificate, Certificate of Approved Operations, and 60-day Log-book.
Updated 22-10-24 (Revision to documentation options, safety inspection reports)
24-10-24 (NAB) added