Abbreviations and Acronyms
ACMC Australian Confederation of Motor Clubs Inc. A Peak Body made up of nine (9) affiliated
organisations as follows:
CMC Council of Motor Clubs (Sydney based).
NSWHMA NSW Historic Motoring Association (broad NSW base).
ANSMA Australian National Street Machine Association.
ASRF Australian Street Rod Federation.
CACTMC Council of Australian Capital Territory Motor Clubs.
4WD NSW & ACT Combined four-wheel drive clubs peak body.
MCC Motor Cycle Council.
ALVICVA Australian Low Volume & Individually Constructed Vehicle Association.
Dragenz Was a founding member and remains the ninth member of the ACMC committee.
ACMC negotiated the CVS with TfNSW in 2016 and now we, NSWHMA, as one of the four (4) Approved
Organisations, manage CVS registrations under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that
can be found on the TfNSW website at:
RMS Roads and Maritime Services (Renamed "Transport for NSW").
TfNSW Transport for NSW. Supersedes RTA and RMS
HVS Historic Vehicle Scheme (for vehicles meeting originality guidelines) Number
plates 250x100mm format nnnnn-J (previously 'H') with ID 'NSW HISTORIC VEHICLE'.
CVS Classic Vehicle Scheme (for vehicles that are original or modified) Number plates
372x132mm, format nnnnn-E (previously 'D') with ID 'NSW CONDITIONAL'.
A new format number plate became available from 1 July 2024 317x134mm with ID 'NSW CLASSIC VEHICLE'
SRS Street Rod Scheme. Conditional Registration (SR plates) for street rods pre-1948.
VSWG Vehicle Standards Working Group. A law-making working group including delegates from
TfNSW and industry and ACMC meeting quarterly with TfNSW.
HCIWG Historic and Classic Industry Working Group. A working group comprising delegates from
the four Approved Organisations meeting quarterly with TfNSW.
AO Approved Organisation. Peak bodies of the historic and classic car interests. These are:
CHMC Council of Heritage Motoring Clubs (aka 'Bush Council').
ACMC CVS Ltd AO catering to 4WD, ANSMA and other CVS interests.
ECS Engineering Certification Scheme. Terminated December 2011.
VSCCS Vehicle Safety Compliance Certification Scheme. Engineering certification scheme
commencing January 2012.
ICV Individually Constructed Vehicle.
ADR Australian Design Rule. Has precedence over State regulations.
GVM Gross Vehicle Mass.
VSI.06 Vehicle Standards Information Sheet number 6. Guideline for light vehicle modifications
requiring engineering certification.
VSI.09 Vehicle Standards Information Sheet number 9. Guideline for alternative wheels and tyres.
FIVA Fédération Internationale des Véhicules Anciens. UNESCO endorsed international body
protecting the rights of heritage vehicles. Creators of the 'Charter of Turin'.
AIS Authorised Inspection Station. Issues Pink Slips etc.
Pink Slip Common name for AIS issued safety inspection report for light vehicles under 4.5T GVM.
Blue Slip Common name for AUVIS (Authorised Unregistered Vehicle Inspection Scheme) required
for an unregistered vehicle covering safety, identity and compliance.
Brown Slip Common name for AIS inspection report for vehicles over 4.5T GVM.
AHMF Australian Historic Motoring Federation. National peak body of State councils.
RVSA Road Vehicle Standards Act 2018. New laws covering new road vehicles, implemented on 1
July 2021.
LCT Luxury Car Tax. Levied on imported vehicles. For 2024-25 the threshold is $91357 for fuel efficient
vehicles, $80567 for others.
POASI Period Options, Accessories and Safety Items. The "List" published by TfNSW in October 2020.
Page update 13 12-24 (New CVS plate, POASI added)